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Flute. Nominal pitch: C.

Technical description: Rosewood; 5 sections; german silver keys and embouchure barrel; 7 german silver ferrules; metal-lined head; tuning-slide; screw-stopper; oval embouchure-hole; adjacent low C/C? touches. The overall design and pitch suggest that this may be a German or Austrian instrument. L0: B?; alt G?. L1: T. L2: T. L3: T; alt C. L4: G?; long F. R1: T; alt B?; C; D trill; E trill. R2: T. R3: T; cross F. R4: D?; low C?; low C. Keymount type: rod/pillar; leaf springs. Keyhead type: cylinder cup.Technical description: Rosewood; 5 sections; german silver keys and embouchure barrel; 7 german silver ferrules; metal-lined head; tuning-slide; screw-stopper; oval embouchure-hole; adjacent low C/C♯ touches. The overall design and pitch suggest that this may be a German or Austrian instrument. L0: B♭; alt G♯. L1: T. L2: T. L3: T; alt C. L4: G♯; long F. R1: T; alt B♭; C; D trill; E trill. R2: T. R3: T; cross F. R4: D♯; low C♯; low C. Keymount type: rod/pillar; leaf springs. Keyhead type: cylinder cup.

  • Measurements:675