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Flute. Nominal pitch: C.

Technical description: Blackwood; 5 sections; decorated silver keys; 5 silver ferrules; metal-lined head; graduated tuning-slide; graduated screw-stopper; ivory-bushed oval embouchure-hole; lower body made from one piece of wood, double-bored for approximately two-thirds of its length, with a removable butt joining the bores, as on a bassoon; very small bore diameter at foot end; pronounced cusp-shaped tuning-slide section; D♯ and low C keys have been roughened, probably for guidance to R4 when choosing between 4 keys. L0: B♭; low B overlapping low C♯. L1: T. L2: T. L3: T. L4: G♯; long F; low G overlapping low G♯. R0: Support(see repair history below). R1: T; C; dup B♭; E trill. R2: T. R3: T; cross F. R4: D♯; low A overlapping low B♭ overlapping low C. Keymount type: knob, with metal-lined channels. Keyhead type: clamshell saltspoon; from D♯ key downwards, pewter plugs with metal-lined key-holes. Repair History: Originally an elegant instrument, but has been heavily tampered with: finger-holes have been roughly gouged out, although they are still only of medium size; large recess carved for resting flute on L1 (possibly because of extra weight); something (possibly a thumb-rest) has been removed where R0 rests, and criss-cross carvings made in the wood, plus a crescent-shaped metal piece riveted on (to hold thumb); recess gouged beneath cross F touch, in order to allow pad to rise higher. It appears that there were originally touches for upper B♭ (duplicate) and a high E trill: the B♭ keyhead has an extension as on the duplicate B♭ touch of flute (45) in this Collection (9 keys, also by Koch), and there is a plugged hole in the E trill position, with the knob and saddle for the original shank removed. Unsuccessful attempts have been made to glue crack in tuning-slide section.

  • Measurements:707