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Alto clarinet. Nominal pitch: E♭.

Technical description: Cocus, with german silver ferrules (ridged) and keywork. Five pieces: mouthpiece, crook, upper section, lower section, bell. Mouthpiece of cocus with a ligature and a long table; crook german silver. Upper section: slight swelling at top to simulate a barrel; touchpiece for the thumb. Speaker key replaced by two straight levers: one for the speaker and one to give an exact B♭. Both liners project almost to the centre of the bore. Plate for R3, because the tone-hole is too far away for the third finger. Duplicate lever for E♭/B♭. Hinge key for C♯/G♯. Lower section: Plates for R1 and R3 to reach all tone-holes. Patent Csharp. Thumb rest with a ring for the strap. German silver bell, curved and funnel-shaped like a saxophone bell. Key head and tone-hole for the lowest note on bell. 13 keys plus 2 spectacles and 2 finger-plates, modern-type, mounted in pillars. Two metal pins above and below the main section appear to be alignment marks. L0: straight speaker; B♭; thumb-plate. L1: T + spectacle A♮; crossover A♭; spectacle ring with vent for top C. L2: T + spectacle ring as above for forked C. L3: Plate; E♭/B♭. L4: C♯/G♯; E/B♮ bascule; F♯/C♯. R1: Plate; A♮/B♮ trill; F/C♮; duplicate E♭/B♭. R2: T + ring. R3: Plate corresponding with ring; B♭/F♮. R4: G♯/E♭; C♮. Keymount type: pillars. Keyhead type: modern.

  • Measurements:Tip of mouthpiece to bottom of bell 804.