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Keyed bugle.

Technical description: Brass; main tube in two segments with ferrule-covered joint near half-length; French bell rim. Tuning shank with screw on shank receiver which screws down onto a bar mounted on the shank and which runs in a channel in the shank receiver. A finger-rest passes over the 3rd key from the bell. The keys with leaf springs SATK, the spring ends running in channels inside the keymounts. The open-standing bell key has a screw adjustment to regulate opening. With fitting for music-card holder; finger-hook for L4 or L5.; Nominal pitch: B♭.; Type or system: 7 keys.; Keyhead type: flat cup.; Keymount type: saddles, all keys except 4th move through split pillars which guide keyheads onto the chimneys.

  • Measurements:Overall size: from plane of bell to 6th key guide 497; bell 145.; Sounding length: maximum 1354.; Bore: tuning shank at c|60mm from mouthpiece receiver (minimum bore), 11.55; at 677mm from bell end, c|22.1; at c|449mm from bell end, 31.3; at 8.5mm from bell end, 115.B|=|0.49 (all keys closed).Bell cutoff |1100|Hz.Dia of mouthpiece receiver: m.r.t. 11.95 - 11.7.