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French flageolet

This is a French flageolet that can also be known as "quadrille flageolet" because it was embraced by the Quadrille band. The quadrille was a selection of fashionable dances of French 18th century origin that became popular in the 19th century throughout Europe. Technically, it is a duct flute made of hardwood, in four sections (mouthpiece pipe, windcap, window-joint, and main body), with nickel-silver ferrules and keywork, with flat springs attached to keys. There are five saltspoon-cup keys, mounted in posts with rods, metal saddles and turned ring. The body of the instrument has four fingerholes on the front and two on the back, as traditional in French flageolets. The tenon joints are wrapped with thread. The mouthpiece is missing.

  • Measurements:Height: 315mm; Diameter (at barrel): 33mm