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Obah, frame zither. Two sticks are fixed into the gourd resonator with leather thongs; one upright, one at a 45 degree angle. The sticks are joined at the free ends by another stick, acting as a yoke - this is fixed into holes bored into the upright and angled sticks. Five (originally eleven) strings pass between the upright and angled sticks, running parallel to the yoke stick. The strings are fixed to the angled stick by passing through (eleven) holes, and they are wound around the upright stick.

  • Culture:
  • Period:
  • Materials:grass, textile, wood, gourd
  • Specific materials/techniques:
  • Decorative elements:
  • Inscriptions:
  • Hornbostel-Sachs category:316.2 Frame zithers with resonator
  • Repository:Horniman Museum and Gardens
  • Measurements:490 x 307 x 180 mm