transverse flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
Transverse alto flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
transverse flute
- Place of production:Paris, France, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
piccolo flute
- Place of production:London, England, UK, British Isles, Western Europe, Europe
- Date of production:
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
C piccolo. Nominal pitch: B♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1856 or shortly before
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
C piccolo. Nominal pitch: B♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1856 or shortly before
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:1716 - p1752, probably p1720 - c1750
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:1716 - p1752, probably p1720 - c1750
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Post 1713 - c1754, probably p1720
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1731 - c1753 or 1758-67
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:Ante 1741 - a1776
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante1738 - 1816, probably late 18th century - 1816
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Possibly 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Circa 1816 - p1829
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:First half of the 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1805 - 1856
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:Possibly Oceania
- Date of production:Probably 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:Possibly Oceania
- Date of production:Probably 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:China
- Date of production:Probably 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:China
- Date of production:Probably 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:China
- Date of production:Probably 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:China
- Date of production:Probably before 1872
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:China
- Date of production:Probably before 1872
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Side-blown flute.
- Place of production:China
- Date of production:Probably 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
F flute. Nominal pitch: E♭.
- Place of production:Aldershot/Hampshire/England
- Date of production:1859 - p1939, probably late 19th or early 20th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1815 - 1825
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1807-33 (Monzani); 1845-57 (Blackman)
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
B♭ flute. Nominal pitch: A♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Late 19th or early 20th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Circa 1786 - 1834 (Goulding & Co); a1805 - 1858 (Key)
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
C fife. Nominal pitch: B♭.
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Mid - late 19th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1807 - 1827
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
F flute. Nominal pitch: E♭.
- Place of production:Dublin/Republic of Ireland
- Date of production:Circa1820 - 1852
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante1738 - 1816, probably late 18th century - 1816
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1807 - 1827
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
E♭ flute. Nominal pitch: D♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1862 - p1936, probably early 20th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1777 - p1795
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1818 - p1819
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
C piccolo. Nominal pitch: B♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1787-1840, possibly 1787-97
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1814-15 (Monzani, according to hallmark); 1824-37 (Rudall & Rose)
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
B♭ flute ('bass'). Nominal pitch: A♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1904 - a1982, probably early 20th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1862 - a1983, probably p1939
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1765 - p1791
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
B♭ fife. Nominal pitch: A♭.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Circa 1778 - c1831
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Edinburgh/City of Edinburgh/Scotland
- Date of production:Ante 1816 - 1821
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Post 1713 - c1754, probably p1720
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1736 - p1753
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Brussels/Belgium
- Date of production:Ante1758 - p1810 (Willems); c1744 - 1803 (Rottenburgh)
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Post 1713 - c1754, probably p1720
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Butzbach
- Date of production:Circa 1720-1778 (probably the earlier part of this period)
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Carlskrona/Sweden
- Date of production:Ante 1822-1843
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Late 18th or early 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Ante 1820-21
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Late 18th or early 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:1788 - c1842
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
E♭ flute. Nominal pitch: D?.
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Late 19th or early 20thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Piccolo. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:1778-1830. The maker's mark is from the earlier part of this period but the hallmark dates from between 1809 and c1819.
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Theresienstadt
- Date of production:Circa 1862 to early 20thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Mid to late 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:Late 19th to early 20th century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:France, Germany or Austria
- Date of production:Mid to late 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C (D♭?).
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Second half of the 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C (D♭?).
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Late 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:Early to mid 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
B♭ flute. Nominal pitch: A♭.
- Place of production:
- Date of production:19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
E♭ piccolo. Nominal pitch: D♭.
- Place of production:Paris/France
- Date of production:First half of 20thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Piccolo. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Markneukirchen or Helsinki (Helsingfors).
- Date of production:1928 - c1950; the pitch (see below) suggests a pre-1940 date of manufacture
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:London/England
- Date of production:Early 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Piccolo. Nominal pitch: [C].
- Place of production:
- Date of production:Early 19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Piccolo. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Cambridge/Massachusetts/United States of America
- Date of production:19thcentury
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Vienna/Austria
- Date of production:1821-1878 (probably the earlier part of this period)
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Transverse flute
- Place of production:Virú (Timezone: America/Lima)
- Date of production:circa 800 A.D.
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
Transverse flute in E-flat
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:1700–54
- Collection:Gloucester Life
Flûte d'amour
- Place of production:Europe
- Date of production:1700-1900
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
Transverse flute
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:1700-1750
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
Flute. Nominal pitch: C.
- Place of production:Scotland
- Date of production:18th Century
- Collection:University of Edinburgh
Walking-stick Flute
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:1728–1754
- Collection:Stroud District (Cowle) Museum
Transverse flute
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:1731–67
- Collection:Museum of Army Music
transverse flute
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:1734-1754
- Collection:Horniman Museum and Gardens
Transverse flute in C
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:1738–1816
- Collection:Royal Pavilion and Museums Brighton
Transverse flute
- Place of production:
- Date of production:1750–1850
- Collection:Colchester and Ipswich Museums
Transverse flute in E
- Place of production:
- Date of production:1750–1850
- Collection:Royal Pavilion and Museums Brighton
Transverse flute in F
- Place of production:
- Date of production:1750–1850
- Collection:Royal Pavilion and Museums Brighton
- Place of production:
- Date of production:
- Collection:Kirklees Museums and Galleries
- Place of production:London (Timezone: Europe/London)
- Date of production:
- Collection:Kirklees Museums and Galleries
Transverse flute
- Place of production:England
- Date of production:
- Collection:National Museum of the Royal Navy
- Place of production:England
- Date of production:second half of 18th century
- Collection:Royal Pavilion and Museums Brighton