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Stamping tubular drum made of "Ambaúba" tree (Cecropia peltata L.), also known as trumpet-tree or snakewood. This type of drum is used by the natives (Maku) of São Gabriel, Brazil, in their "Dabocuris" or "Festas." The drums are hollowed out by means of fire and the lower ends closed with fresh leaves beaten hard with a pestle. The performers in the dances beat them on the ground in unison with the movements of their feet. The botanist Richard Spruce (1817–93) gives a detailed account in his journals about the way this type of drum is made and how it is played.
- Date:
1800–1853 - Maker:
- Collection:
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Inventory number:
Loading... - Place of production:
São Gabriel (Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo) - Hornbostel-Sachs classification:111.231 (Individual) percussion tubes
- Culture:Maku
- Period:
- Materials:
- Specific materials/techniques:
- Decorative elements:Native motifs painted in brown and black colours around the middle section of the drum body.
- Inscriptions:
- Hornbostel-Sachs category:111.231 (Individual) percussion tubes
- Repository:Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Measurements:Height: 900mm. Diameter: 10.5-12.5mm