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Basset horn. Nominal pitch: F.

Technical description: stained boxwood with german silver ferrules and keywork. Five pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, lower section, bell. Ebonite mouthpiece with a ligature and a long table not grooved for cord. Curved wooden barrel with two german silver ferrules. Upper section: straight speaker, liner projects almost into the centre of bore. Spectacle on L1 and L3 with vents to improve forked B♭. Plate on L2 to improve "forked" topC. Lower tenon filled with a metal tube, fitted to the tone-hole for R1, probably to extend the instrument for about 2mm for intonation. Lower section: four levers for R0 extending the compass chromatically down to written C₃. Spectacles to improve forked B♭/F♮. Hinge key for F/C. Ring for strap may be also used as thumbrest. Straight continuous german silver bell with a wide rim. L0: T; speaker. L1: T + spectacle + vent; throatA♮; throatA♭. L2: Plate + vents, corresponding with spectacle. L3: T + spectacle; cross E♭/B♭. L4: C♯/G♯; E/B♮; F♯/C♯; additional lever for G♯/E♭. R0: basset C; C♯; D; D♯. R1: T; side F/ C; side E♭/B♭; side trill for throatA-B♮ and B♭-C. R2: T + spectacle. R3: T + spectacle; B♭/F♮. R4: hinge key F/C; G♯/E♭. Keymount type: pillars. Keyhead type: modern. Repair History: Mouthpiece is a replacement.

  • Measurements:960 to top of barrel.