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Player piano
Compass: 7 Octaves, AAA – a4. 3-Octave-Span: 494mm. Ivory naturals, ebony sharps. Stringing: 15 singles – b1, 13 bi-chords – c, trichord – a4. Overstrung. Full cast frame. Piano Action: Tape-check. Dampers to c3. Player Action: Aeolian 88 note; Foot pumped; Pneumatic expression control. Bass/Treble split at c1. Triple-paired roll-drive motor. Tracking control by roll edge fingers. Piano Stops: 2 stops: Piano by half-blow; Damper lift. Player Stops: 7 handstops: Half-blow; Dampers; Expression bias; Expression treble; Keyboard clamp; Tempo; Re-roll.
- Date:
c.1930 - Maker:
Steck, GeorgeAeolian Weber Piano and Pianola Co [Corporation] - Collection:
National Museums Liverpool - Inventory number:
Loading... - Place of production:
United States of America
- Culture:
- Period:
- Materials:
- Specific materials/techniques:
- Decorative elements:
- Inscriptions:Nameboard inscription: "Steck / 'Pianola' Piano"|Retailer's inscription: "Piano Makers to the late Queen Victoria Sole agents James Smith & Son / Music Sellers Ltd 76–70 Lord St / Liverpool Southport & Warrington
- Hornbostel-Sachs category:
- Repository:National Museums Liverpool
- Measurements:Case Size: Height 1225mm, Width 1490mm, Depth 740mm