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Technical description: Brass with german silver bell collar at join of bell flare with body; bell with gusset, with French rim. Bow guard with knob. Folded crook with tuning-slide. Round pillars to support instrument on both hands; no ring for neck strap. The F? key touchpiece overlaps and depresses the F key touchpiece when operated.Screw adjuster to control opening of B key. Fitting for music-card holder.; Nominal pitch: C.; Type or system: 11 keys.; Keyhead type: round, slightly cupped and domed.; Keymount type: pillars with leaf springs running in channels between the pillars, SATK.; L0: @I{D.L1: @I{B.L2: @I{C♯.L3: @I{E♭.R0: @I{E.R1: @I{B♭.R2: @I{A.R3: @I{G, G♯.R4: @I{F, F♯.; Usable pitch: Probably built for use at A₄=|446|Hz.

  • Measurements:Overall size: 1081; bell 254.; Sounding length: 2526 (all keys closed).; Bore: crook at c|20mm from mouthpiece receiver (minimum bore) 11.55; tuning-slide leg from 290mm - 353mm from mouthpiece receiver, 19.15; tuning-slide leg from 462mm - 526mm from mouthpiece receiver, 23.75; crook from 782mm - 876mm from mouthpiece receiver (tenon), 33.1; at 1263mm from bell end, c|44.5; at c|744mm from bell end, 62.9.B|=|0.30 (all keys closed).Dia of mouthpiece receiver: m.r.t. 12.1 - 11.55.