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Technical description: Brass; bell without gusset, with French rim. Looped crook without tuning-slide. Curved pillar to support instrument on left hand but no pillar for right hand; ring for neck strap. Touchpiece for F♯ key overlaps touchpiece for F and operates both. Guard over F♯ and G keys. SATK. Music-card holder permanently attached.; Nominal pitch: B♭.; Type or system: 10 keys.; Keyhead type: round, slightly cupped.; Keymount type: pillars on plates with channels for springs.; L0: @I{C.L1: @I{A.L2: @I{B.L3: @I{C♯.R0: @I{D.R1: @I{G♯.R2: @I{G.R3: @I{F; F♯.R4: @I{D♯.; Usable pitch: Probably built for use at circa A₄=|460|Hz.

  • Measurements:Overall size: 1105; bell 202.; Sounding length: 2730 (all keys closed).; Bore: crook at c|30mm from mouthpiece receiver (minimum bore) 11.9; crook from 951 - 1041mm from mouthpiece receiver (tenon), 33.5; at 1365mm from bell end, c|45.0; at c|761mm from bell end, 63.65.B|=|0.32 (all keys closed).Dia of mouthpiece receiver: m.r.t. 12.55 - 11.9.