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Natural trumpet.

Technical description: Brass; the first yard passes through a channel in the ball; the distal bow is wired to the bell through the garland. The shank/crook receiver sheath and the four ferrules are all the same length, 100mm. The permanently attached bit (461a), formerly a very short cornopean shank with ears, and the four single-coil crooks are disparate: (461c) and (461e) are of similar design of receiver and stay while (461b) and (461d) differ from the others; crooks (461b) for D, (461c) for D?, (461d) for C, (461e) for C.; Nominal pitch: F etc.; ; ; ; ; Usable pitch: Probably built for use at circa A?=|435|Hz without crooks in|F; also probably playable at circa A?=|435|Hz with D|crook (461b) and C|crook (461e); probably playable at circa A?=|452.4|Hz with D?|crooks (461c) and C|crook (461d).; Performance characteristics: The crooks are disparate but, according to John Webb, work.

  • Measurements:Overall size: from plane of bell to bow proximal 590; bell 113.; Sounding length: in|F 1810 (including bit); with D|crook, 2169 (including bit); overall air column lengths of crooks: (a) 369; (b) 402; (c) 573; (d) 666.; Bore: instrument body at c|70mm from mouthpiece/shank/crook receiver (local minimum bore), 9.89; at 905mm from bell end, c|10.9; at c|256mm from bell end, 15.4; at 11mm from bell end, 73.B|=|0.74 (in|F); B|=|0.75 (in|D).Bell cutoff |1400|Hz.Dia of mouthpiece receiver: taper on bit (461a) 11.65 - 11.35; internal tapers of crooks (461b) 12.15 - 11.45; (461c) 11.7 - 11.0; (461d) 11.95 - 11.25; (461e) 11.8 - 11.25.