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Unfretted box zither. Irregular pentagonal shape, painted black. The internal label reads: Mandolin Harp/Made in Saxony. On the soundboard are transfers of George V and Queen Mary, below the words: Coronation Harp. Above this is a transfer of a steamer flanked by medals exhibitions in Paris and Vienna. The bass strings on the left hand side are mixed brass overwound and steel (with two nickel-silver replacements), and are arranged to give six different related four-note chords (left to right): e major, a major, d minor, f major, g major, c major. On the right-hand treble side, the strings are arranged in double courses to give a two octave chromatic scale, from middle c (c', C4) to c''' (C6).

  • Measurements:overall: 532 x 415 x 66 mm