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Huihe Qin

Both the top and bottom surfaces of the qin are made of fir wood. The cap corner (guanjue), bridge (yueshan) and dew-receptor (chenglu) are all made of redwood and are not painted with lacquer. The tuning pegs and goose feet are made of Chinese boxwood. The inlays are made of mother-of-pearl. There are no cracks (duanwen) on the surfaces of the qin, which are painted with chestnut lacquer and huitai [a grey coating that turns black when dried]. The two sound holes (the “dragon pool” and “phoenix pond”) at the back of the qin both have bamboo rims. The sound retainers are rectangular (rather wide and flat).

  • Measurements:Total length: 125.5cm, string length: 116cm, width of the forehead: 17.6cm, width of the shoulders: 21cm, width of the tail: 14.2cm, the large sound hole is 20.2cm long and 2.2cm wide. The small sound hole is 11cm long and 2cm wide.