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Viola, ?early 17th century; later front and ribs, ?late 17th century. Later front, very highly arched; wide to fine grain; considerable depression at soundholes; broadly-cut f-shaped soundholes. Double purfling front and back but the inner lines added later and incised not inlaid. The original purfling is black-white-black on the front but on the back is white-black-white. Back one-piece, slab-cut, of ?poplar. Back and front pegged top and bottom. Ribs, later, of maple with figure of medium curl, let into back. Later neck spliced into heel of older neck and pegbox; earlier finial from another instrument is a blindfold Cupid. Reddish-golden varnish. Modern tailpiece and rosewood pegs.
- Date:
early 17th century - Maker:
Anonymous - Collection:
Royal College of Music Museum - Inventory number:
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- Measurements:Length: 712mm. Width: 247mm.
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