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Oboe. Nominal pitch: C.

Technical description: Rosewood with probably german silver keys. The sockets and reed well are lined probably with german silver. Simple octave keys. The G♯ key and the L3 ring depress the L0 plate enabling C♯₅, D₅ and E♭₅ to be played with the L1 finger raised. The lowC key lowers the R2 and R3 rings and the brille. L0: TP; 8.1. L1: PP (no spat.); 8.2. L2: R. L3: R; Dtr. L4: G♯; lowB; E♭-alt. R0: sup. R1: T; TP-alt. R2: R. R3: R; F. R4: lowC; C♯; E♭. Keymount type: pillars. Keyhead type: cup.

  • Measurements:529