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Oboe in B♭. Nominal pitch: B♭.

Technical description: Probably African blackwood with german silver keys and a wide (width c15mm) ferrule at the central socket. Reed well and sockets are unlined. The long L4 keys are levers as are the R1 keys for B♭ and C and the C♯tr. L0: 8; C-alt. L1: T. L2: T. L3: T; C♯tr. L4: G♯; E♭-dup; lowB; F-dup. R0: sup. R1: T; B♭; C. R2: R. R3: R; F. R4: lowC; C♯; E♭. Keymount type: pillars with the exception of the C and B♭ keys which are on blocks. The C touch is on pillars. Keyhead type: cup. Repair History: Of the remaining keys only the C♯ has the original screw axle; all the other axles have been replaced with rigid wire secured by turning of the ends. The same repair has been applied to the fulcra of the lever keys.

  • Measurements:494 (measured without bell).