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Soprano sarrusophone. Nominal pitch: B♭.

Technical description: Brass with brass keys. Made in one piece, with a separate, brass crook. There is a rest for the left thumb, both octave keys are mounted above this rest next to each other. The fingering system is very close to the modern saxophone fingering the main differences being the separately acting octave keys and the lack of articulation on the G♯. L0: sup; 81; 82. L1: P. L2: P. L3: P. L4: G♯; lowC♯; lowB. R0: sup; lowB♭. R1: P; B♭; C-alt; C♯tr; Dtr. R2: P. R3: P. R4: E♭; Low C. Keymount type: pillars. Keyhead type: cups. Repair History: The pillar supporting the axle for the E♭ and lowB keys has been resoldered into position.

  • Measurements:621