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Saxo-oboe. Nominal pitch: C.

Technical description: Silver or silver plated. Built in 2 sections - the bell is not separate although the lowB♭ key has a separate linkage as if the bell could be removed. The R4 keys have rollers as on the saxophone. The L4 lowC♯ and lowB keys have rollers but not the Low B♭ key which is mounted over the lowB key. The keywork operates as on the modern saxophone, the only differences being; firstly the rings on L3 and R1, 2 and 3 and secondly the G♯ key is not duplicated by the other L4 keys. The narrow bore of the instrument means that the supports for L0 and R0 are mounted away from the instrument. The tenon is corked. There is a support for a music holder on the lower joint above the R1 hole. L0: sup.; 8. L1: P; bis key; high D; high D♯. L2: P; high F. L3: R. L4: G♯; lowC♯; lowB; lowB♭. R0: sup. R1: R; B♭; C-alt; high E. R2: R. R3: R; F♯-alt. R4: E♭; lowC. Keymount type: pillars. Keyhead type: cups. Repair History: The support for a music holder has been added with visible solder.

  • Measurements:598