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Clarinet. Nominal pitch: E♭.

Technical description: Single-wall brass tube with brass keywork. Two pieces: ivory mouthpiece with a long brass tenon, one-piece body. Raised tube finger holes. F♯₃/C♯₅ for right thumb. L0: T; speaker. L1: T; throat A♮. L2: T. L3: T. L4: E₃/B♮₄. R0: F♯₃/C♯₅. R1: T; trill key for throat A-B♮. R2: T. R3: T. R4: T; G♯₃/E♭₅. Keymount type: pillars with push pins. Keyhead type: flat round. Repair History: Raised tube finger holes L2, L3, R2 were missing when instrument was bought, but have been restored.

  • Measurements:506