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Clarinet with corps de rechange. Nominal pitch: B♭ /A.

Technical description: Boxwood with ivory ferrules and brass keywork. Nine pieces: Mouthpiece, two barrels (B♭/A), two upper sections (B♭/A), two middle sections (B♭/A), one lower section, bell. Keys mounted in pillars on plates, L4 levers in a big brass block. R4 F₃/C₅ hinged from a support under top ivory ring of lower section. Cross keys for B₃/F♯₅ as well as B♭₃/F₅. Unique early enormous rollers under R4 and L4. Touchpieces on C♯₄/G♯₅ and B₃/F♯₅ are possibly later additions. R1hole of the Aclarinet angled up to equalize finger spacing. 13keys. L0: T; speaker. L1: T; throat A♮; throat A♭. L2: T. L3: T; E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: C♯₄/G♯₅; E₃/B♮₄; F♯₃/C♯₅. R1: T; side F₄/C₆; side trill key for throat A-B♮ and B♭-C. R2: T; B♮₃/F♯₅. R3: T; B♭₃/F♮₅. R4: F₃/C₅; G♯₃/E♭₅. Keymount type: pillars on plates, saddle. Keyhead type: salt spoon. Repair History: The mouthpiece is a replacement.

  • Measurements:(B?) 608; (A) 637.