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Clarinet. Nominal pitch: A.

Technical description: Black wood with german silver ferrules and keywork. Five pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, lower section, bell. L2ring closes L1ring and side vent above it. Brass tube in thumb-hole. Throat F♯ correction for L2. Plate for R1. Vent below each of 5rings. R1, R2 and/or R3ring closes vent above R1. Touchpiece to operate this vent with R2 in order to improve the intonation of throat notes. Only three R1 trill keys. Csharp mechanism. 14keys, 5rings, 4black rollers. L0: T, speaker. L1: T + ring + vent; throat A♮; throat A♭. L2: T + ring + vent; F♯₄ correction. L3: T + ring + vent; E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: C♯₄/G♯₅; E₃/B♮₄; F♯₃/C♯₅. R1: Plate; side F₄/C₆; side E♭₄/B♭₅; side trill for throat A-B♮ and B♭-C. R2: T + ring + vent. R3: T + ring corresponding to R2 vent; (forked B♭₃/F♮₅); cross B♭₃/F♮₅. R4: G♯₃/E♭₅; F₃/C₅. Keymount type: screwed in pillars. Keyhead type: modern.

  • Measurements:633