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Technical description: Varnished rosewood with german silver ferrules and keywork. Four pieces: mouthpiece, upper section, lower section, bell. Cylindrical bore. No thumb-hole. Speaker key and separate lever for throat B♭. Additional R0 lever giving E♭₃. Shaped thumb rest. 10 vent holes in bell. 13keys, 2rings, 2black ebonite rollers. L0: Speaker; E♭. L1: T; D. L2: T. L3: T; cross B♭. L4: G♯; low B♮; low C♯. R0: low B♭. R1: T; side C; side B♭. R2: T + spectacle. R3: T + spectacle (forked F); cross F. R4: E♭; C. Keymount type: screwed in pillars with pins. Keyhead type: modern.

  • Measurements:676 to upper tenon.