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Clarinet. Nominal pitch: A.

Technical description: Blackwood with german silver ferrules and keywork. Five pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, lower section, bell. Throat B♭ mechanism, supplementary vent connected with the speaker key and the thumb ring. Vent opens when only speaker key is depressed (to give throat B♭), vent closes when also thumb ring is used to overblow. Connection between RH rings and LH section on front of the instrument. Extra vent on L3ring. Boehm fingering system combined with a German, predominantly cylindrical bore. 17keys, 7rings, 2rollers. L0: T + ring F₄/C♮₆; speaker. L1: T + ring F♯₄; throat A♮; throat A♭. L2: T + E♭₄/B♭₅ corresponding ring. L3: T + ring + vent; cross E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: C♯₄/G♯₅; F₃/C♮₅; E₃/B♮₄; F♯₃/C♯₅. R1: T + ring B♭₃/F♮₅ via correspondence; side E♭₄/B♭₅; side F♯₄/C♯₆; trills 1-2. R2: T + ring B♮₃/F♯₅ via correspondence. R3: T + ring B♮₃/F♯₅ via correspondence; cross B♮₃/F♯₅. R4: G♯₃/E♭₅; E₃/B♮₄; F₃/C♮₅; F♯₃/C♯₅. Keymount type: screwed in pillars. Keyhead type: modern. Repair History: The mouthpiece is a replacement.

  • Measurements:624