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Clarinet. Nominal pitch: C.

Technical description: Boxwood with ivory ferrules and brass keywork. Four pieces: mouthpiece, upper section with integral barrel, lower section, bell. Original ebony mouthpiece grooved for cord and winged to assist in removal. Thumb-hole moved to front of the instrument in order to protect it from being disturbed by condensed water, operated by left thumb key. Monzani patent screw-on discs to pads in order to make them air-tight. To indicate the patent all key heads are stamped with a crown. Metal lined socket between mouthpiece and upper section and between sections. Levers for L4, tone-hole and key for R4 mounted in a bell-shaped swelling. Zig-zag L4, bevelled G♯₃/E♭₅. L0: Key for thumb-hole; speaker. L1: T; throat A♮. L2: T. L3: T, cross E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: E₃/B♮₄; F♯₃/C♯₅. R1: T; trill key for throat A-B♮. R2: T; cross B₃/F₅. R3: T. R4: T; G♯₃/E♭₅. Keymount type: blocks and swelling. Keyhead type: flat square, Monzani's patent. Repair History: Ivory bell rim is a replacement. Keys cleaned in ultrasonic bath.

  • Measurements:586 with mouthpiece.