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Oboe. Nominal pitch C

Technical description: African blackwood with german silver keys. Also the two ferrules at the sockets the ring on the bell and the lining of the reed well are in german silver. The sockets are unlined. Simple octave keys. All keys are levers except the R2 and R3 rings, both octave keys, the G♯ key and the pierced plate mechanism which is on an axle above the L1 hole. L0: 8.1, L1: PP;8.2, L2: T, L3: TT, L4: G♯; E♭-alt; lowB, R0: sup. R1: T; B♭; C, R2: R, R3: R; F, R4: lowC; C♯; E♭, Keymount type: pillars, Keyhead type: cup

  • Measurements:527