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Vocal horn.

Technical description: Silver-plated brass; bell-forward wrap; three coils including main-tuning-slide; French bell rim. With water-key on main tuning-slide.; Nominal pitch: 8-ft C.; Type or system: Narrow mouthpipe model.; ; ; ; Usable pitch: Probably built for use at circa A?=|460|Hz.;

  • Measurements:Overall size: from plane of bell to bow proximal 273; bell 160.5.; Sounding length: minimum 2363.; Bore: mouthpipe at c|20mm from mouthpiece receiver (minimum bore) 7.55; main tuning-slide from 274mm to 544mm from mouthpiece receiver, m.t.s. bores 11.4 - 11.7; valve cluster from 809mm to 902mm from mouthpiece receiver, v.t.s. bore (1,2,3) 11.9; at 1182mm from bell end, c|13.1; at c|522mm from bell end, 18.5; at 20.5mm from bell end, 97.B|=|0.50.Dia of mouthpiece receiver: m.r.t. 8.0 - 7.55.