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Nominal pitch: C. 5 keys. Bore: conical. Technical description: rosewood; 3|sections; silver keys; 5|grooved silver ferrules; domed wooden cap with finial (but no screw-stopper); metal-lined head; tuning-slide; large, slightly oval embouchure-hole; small finger-holes. L0: @I{B♭. L1: @I{T. L2: @I{T. L3: @I{T. L4: @I{G♯. R1: @I{T; C. R2: @I{T. R3: @I{T; F. R4: @I{D♯. Keyhead type: saltspoon. Keymount type: knob. Usable pitch: sounding A₄ c|454|Hz; probably intended to be played at Old Philharmonic pitch, A₄ 452.5|Hz. Performance characteristics: [original range D₄|-|G₆ (sounding D₅|-|G₇)]; in present condition does not speak below D₅ (sounding D₆).

  • Measurements:Overall size: 320. Sounding length: 262.