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English-system concertina. Flat rosewood ends, 6.25in/159mm across parallel sides; fretwork from a George Case instrument has been added, with pine backing. 'Action within frames' construction. End bolts on eyelets. Solid rosewood sides. 48 metal buttons, plated Cs, note names scratched on later, bushed. Round-end brass reeds, riveted with thin tongues (harmonium-style); red suede gasketry, small central pan hole. 4-fold green leather bellows, embossed white papers in gold spot style. Green leather straps with nickel screws. Pans stamped: '14D' [droit] and '14G' [gauche]. Oval dealer's paper label: 'Chas Morris, Musical Instrument Maker, High St, Tunstall'. Serial number: 14, with internal numbers on pans: 19, 91, 74.

  • Measurements: overall: 147 x 160 x 185 mm