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English-system concertina. Flat rosewood ends, 6.19in/157mm across parallel sides, with neat fretwork and large, 1.5in/38mm wide, label hole at each end. Curved rosewood block for finger rest. End bolts on eyelets. 'Action within frame' construction. 48 domed ivory buttons: 24 each end; black accidentals, stamped. Square-end nickel reeds, harmonium-style. Pan cradle is like that of a flutina - a continuous 'shelf' around the frame. 4-fold green leather bellows, cambered bellows frames, silver embossed hexagonal papers. Later straps and screws. Pans stamped 'D18' (droit) and 'G18' (gauche). No label. Serial number: 18.

  • Measurements:overall: 165 x 163 x 185 mm