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Cog rattle made of pine wood (Pinus sp.). Single tongue carved and cut from same piece as frame.
- Date:
1990–1997 - Maker:
- Collection:
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Inventory number:
Loading... - Place of production:
Chihuahua (Timezone: America/Mexico_City) - Hornbostel-Sachs classification:112.24 Scraped wheels or cog rattles
- Culture:Rarámuri (Tarahumara)
- Period:
- Materials:
- Specific materials/techniques:
- Decorative elements:
- Inscriptions:
- Hornbostel-Sachs category:112.24 Scraped wheels or cog rattles
- Repository:Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Measurements:Height: 192mm. Width: 245mm