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Combination clarinet. Nominal pitch: B♭/A.

Technical description: ebonite, with flat german silver ferrules and arched german silver bell-rim. Five pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, lower section, bell. All parts of the body are connected by a coaxial rotating metal tube. Mouthpiece contemporary, ebonite, with ligature and reed cap. Barrel long and hardly bulbous. 12 keys plus spectacle and patent Csharp linkage, of modern type but with abnormally large heads to cover wide tone-holes. When the bell is twisted through about 120° either the B♭ or the Aseries of holes in the liner come under the keys; the upper section is then slid in or out, its travel being limited by a locking-screw in a slot; the barrel, which also has a locking-screw, slides in and out on a helical guide, but when fully in it can be twisted to bring it into line with its original position (the concealed slot must presumably be shaped like the figure 7). L0: T; speaker. L1: T; throatA♮. L2: T; throatA♭. L3: T; cross E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: C♯₄/G♯₅; E₃/B♮₄ bascule with patent Csharp link; F♯₃/C♯₅. R1: T; side F₄/C₆; side trill key for throatA-B♮ and B♭-C. R2: T + spectacle for B♮₃/F♯₅. R3: T + spectacle (forked B♭₃/F♮₅); cross B♭₃/F♮₅ . R4: G♯₃/E♭₅; F₃/C₅. Keymount type: pillars. Keyhead type: modern-type cups, but larger than usual size.

  • Measurements:inB? 647, to top of barrel 568; inA 676; to top of barrel 596.