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Bell harp.

Technical description: Soundboard of spruce, grain from left to right; 2 roses, both of incised wood, diameter 46.5; case of stained sycamore, corners dovetailed together. Bottom piece 9.3 thick, sides 6.2 thick, top carved. Baseboard sycamore 6.0 thick. Total case height 48.7, top of soundboard 18.6mm below top of case. Bridges of sycamore, brass strips inlaid for strings to run over; no bridge pins. Nut pins on the wrestplank between the tuning-pins and nut, diameter 0.86. Hitchpins into soundboard diameter 1.29. Square-headed tuning-pins. Triple strung, except for the two long bass notes which are double strung. Soundboard divided down the centre. Top of sycamore in two parts, originally glued together, thickness 5.6, that fits over instrument leaving a space of c75mm for the strings to be plucked.

  • Measurements:508