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Post horn.
Technical description: Brass; with bell flare joined by circumferential tabbed seam; French rim. With a long tuning-slide; the tenon-and-socket joint between body and bell section can also act as a tuning-slide. The tenon is on the bell section; ligature restraining screw at joint on body.; Nominal pitch: 6-ft|F|-|D.; Type or system: With two tuning-slides.; Usable pitch: Probably built for use at circa A₄=|460|Hz and lower pitches.
- Date:
1910-50 - Maker:
William Frank Co. - Collection:
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - Inventory number:
Loading... - Place of production:
Chicago. - Hornbostel-Sachs classification:423.121.12
- Culture:
- Period:
- Materials:
- Specific materials/techniques:
- Decorative elements:
- Inscriptions:Inscribed on bell "WM. FRANK CO. / CHICAGO. ILL.".
- Hornbostel-Sachs category:423.121.12
- Repository:Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
- Measurements:Overall size: 853 with slide closed; bell 115.; Sounding length: minimum 1722.; Bore: at c|26mm from mouthpiece receiver (minimum bore), 9.65; main tuning-slide from 114mm to 962mm from bell end, m.t.s. bore 11.8; tuning-slide from 725mm to 510mm from bell end, bore 11.8; at c|285mm from bell end, 16.65; at 14.5mm from bell end, 67.3.B|=|0.67.Bell cutoff |1400|Hz.Dia of mouthpiece receiver: m.r.t. 11.0 - 9.9.